Sunday, June 9, 2013





thesexygoats: Hot! Love her outfit


Hot! Love her outfit

unicornkween: knownsub : Because…piffle :) Well… I say...


knownsub :

Because…piffle :)

Well… I say "Because nipples" in this case. :P

knownsub: unicornkween: And since it IS my blog I suppose I...



And since it IS my blog I suppose I should contribute a picture of my bewbies as well. ^3^

This girl is so friggin hot!!


meganxx15: im out for the night…enjoy xox


im out for the night…enjoy xox


moviesexvideotape: Scarlett Johansson with Bradley Cooper


Scarlett Johansson with Bradley Cooper








lumer-and-suns: starbucksinmanhattan: avalonroselin: abunchofa...









and if any of you white people respond with "wait but I didn't do that. that was in the past"

i need you to check your privilege

and then drink bleach if you think your hands aren't dirty

They're not.

Guilt doesn't transfer from generation to generation. I am not magically accountable for something my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather MIGHT have done. Also;

>social justice blogger
>telling people to kill themselves

I love that there's a blog called "this is white culture" that is solely devoted to bad things white people did, not their cultures at all.  So I guess I can make a blog called "this is black culture" and post gang and crime records and that's 100% okay.  Or "this is Muslim culture" and make it all about terrorism.

But wait, you cry.  Not all black people are criminals and not all Muslims are terrorists.  That's unfair!  And racist!

WELL GOLLY GEE DO YOU THINK SO?  Because saying that all white people are responsible for the Atlantic slave trade sounds pretty racist to me, given that, you know, that was between the African slaveholders and the British and Americans and had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with my ancestors, who were incredibly poor farmers and serfs from Ireland and Lithuania who had to flee to America at around the turn of the century (by which time slavery had already been abolished in the US) because they were being treated like slaves.  Even if they had been living in America at the time when slavery was legal they wouldn't have been able to afford a slave; in fact they probably would have been working with them in the fields and treated about the same, since the first slaves in America were actually white serfs.  But please, tell me more about how dirty my hands are because of circumstances surrounding my birth that I could not control and continue to treat me differently based on the color of my skin without actually knowing anything about my heritage, I'm sure that isn't racist at all!

When you look at me, you see a white girl. My grandfathers' families consisted in Europeans that came to America looking for better life conditions in WWII. They had nothing in their own homes and worked for extremely low wages. My grandmothers' families had some Portuguese colonists probably, but they also had natives and slaves. When you look at me, you see only white, but there's a very high chance that I have slaves in my lineage.

Freaking amen to all of this yes I actually did have slave owning ancestors but do you think that I'm okay with that? That I am to blame for my great great great great grandfathers actions in the 1800s? Hell no I find it just as horrible and despicable that any human had to go through that as any other person of any of nationality it makes me so mad when people sit there and tell me that I am wrong for actions that I did not commit and that I blatantly do not stand behind



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